Flossing Your Teeth

Dr. Jia Y. Lee encourages patients to maintain a great oral health routine at home, and the staff here likes to see patients set themselves up for a lifetime of good oral health.  Regular flossing is essential to maintaining oral health and you should floss once a day, either before or after brushing. Remember these tips to help you floss effectively:

  • ·        A strand of dental floss about 18 inches long allows you to wrap the ends of the floss around a finger on each hand. This gives you excellent control over the portion of floss you are using.

  • ·        The proper technique to flossing is sliding the floss between the teeth and rubbing the floss back and forth up until you reach your gums.

  • ·        Pushing at your gums too hard with floss can damage your gum line and isn’t necessary to floss properly. Think of a small swooping motion as you rub the floss up to one gum, then down and back up towards the other.

  • ·        As you move on to the next tooth, adjust the floss to expose an unused portion. Repeat this rubbing motion between each tooth and dispose of the floss once you are finished.

To learn more about oral hygiene and the services we provide, visit www.myranchocucamongadentist.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jia Y. Lee, DDS in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, call 909-989-5598.


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