How Diet Relates to Dental Health

If you’ve ever heard the phrase you are what you eat, Dr. Jia Y. Lee, DDS wants patients to know that this couldn’t be truer when it comes to dental health. Not only is tooth decay a result of poor oral care habits, it’s a result of a poor diet. This is because added sugars in the food and beverages we consume produce acids that attack tooth enamel. When these culprits aren’t adequately removed, a person may develop bad breath, periodontal disease, and cavities.

Think of your mouth as you would the rest of your body. You want to feed your teeth and gums the proper nutrients to thrive. To prevent dental diseases, and protect your immune system in the process, choose food and beverage options that are low in sugar and added preservatives. Think before you eat, and when you feel like snacking, reach for whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein. Your mouth and quite possibly your waist will thank you.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care or dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jia Y. Lee, DDS in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, call 909-989-5598.


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