InLays and OnLays

Inlays and Onlays are often thought of or referred to as partial crowns. They are similar to porcelain veneers, differing in their function as more of an extension rather than a replacement. Dr. Jia Y. Lee wants you to have a smile that you can be proud of. Which is why he offers inlay/onlay services. If you are interested in reshaping your smile, schedule your appointment at our office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.


While veneers are more of a cosmetic procedure, inlays/onlays serve a more functional purpose. Inlays/onlays are used to strengthen your teeth by restoring its shape. This will prevent further damage from occurring. When there isn’t any previous damage to the tooths cusps an inlay is used. It can be placed directly on. For an onlay, the damage to the tooth is more extensive. It’s placed onto the chewing surface on the back of the tooth. This essentially replaces one or more of the cusps.


This procedure takes between 2-3 appointments with Dr. Lee. The procedure starts with the removal of the decayed areas of the tooth. An impression is taken of the remaining area. This impression or mold is sent to a dental laboratory to create your custom restoration. It will take between 2-3 weeks for the permanent restoration to be complete. You will be given a temporary inlay/onlay while you wait. At your final appointment, the permanent inlay/onlay will be bonded to your tooth.


Dr. Jia Y. Lee is located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 909-989-5598.


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