April 2019: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

This April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Jia Y. Lee provides oral cancer screenings at our practice in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Dentists are often the first medical professionals to detect and diagnose oral cancer. You should not only schedule bi-annual checkups with Dr. Lee but come in anytime you experience strange oral symptoms.


If you notice anything new in your mouth, especially symptoms lasting over two weeks, you need to make an appointment ASAP. This is often an indicator of a serious medical condition. Make sure to be on the lookout for these symptoms:


Mouth sores or ulcers that take two weeks to heal, a strange coloring of the gums, lumps or hard spots, bumps that bleed easily, and/or a lump on the outside of your neck that has been present for at least two weeks.


The symptoms for HPV-caused oropharyngeal cancer differ from the ones listed above. For this, you might experience a sore or hoarse throat, a constant cough, a lump on the neck, difficulties swallowing, and pain in one or both ears.


The major risk factors for getting oral cancer is heavy smoking and drinking. Any use of tobacco products, like chewing, are also contributing factors. Another one is contracting the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus 16. This is what leads to HPV-caused oropharyngeal cancer.


Do not wait to make an appointment if you experience any of these symptoms. Your health and your life aren’t worth the risk. Prevention and early detection are the best tools for fighting cancer.


Dr. Jia Y. Lee DDS is located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 909-989-5598.



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