Root Canals and Rotary Endodontics

Endodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on the roots and nerves of the teeth. The most common of these procedures is the root canal. Dr. Jia Y. Lee, D.D.S. offers root canal services at our office in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. But unlike some dentists, Dr. Lee offers rotary endodontics, a newer and quicker type of root canal.


When a tooth becomes infected the cause is often in the roots. A root canal opens the tooth up, allowing us to remove the infected materials. At your appointment, Dr. Lee will use an electrically-powered instrument to drill into the root canal. This special rotary endodontic tool makes the procedure quicker and less painful. After drilling, the infected area will be thoroughly cleaned, with any damaged tissue being removed. A sealant will be applied and then a dental crown.


You should expect some soreness following the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers should be more than enough for pain management. Make sure to follow any and all post-operative instructions given to you by Dr. Lee and our staff. Try to avoid all vigorous activity while you are healing. Once you have completely healed, you should be able to enjoy all foods and beverages without any pain. Contact our office if you still are experiencing pain after the appropriate amount of healing time has passed.


To schedule your root canal appointment, or to learn about our other dental services, contact Dr. Jia Y. Lee, D.D.S. today. Visit our website or call 909-989-5598 to set up your appointment.


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