Teeth Sectioning

Having to get a tooth removed can be scarier than swimming in shark-infested waters. That’s why Dr. Jia Y. Lee offers Teeth Sectioning services. This form of extraction is faster and easier. Your Rancho Cucamonga dentist breaks the tooth into multiple sections. The fragmented pieces are then easier to remove. The entire procedure requires less force, resulting in a quicker recovery time. To learn more, contact your local dentist.


Dr. Lee recommends teeth sectioning for a few different reasons. Certain teeth upon closer inspection are unique or multi-rooted. This can make it impossible to extract normally. Patients in need of having their wisdom teeth removed are another common source. Wisdom teeth are larger by nature. It’s difficult to remove them, especially if they’re impacted. Lastly, pediatric patients frequently undergo teeth sectioning. It’s less intimidating and painful for children.


The procedure begins with Dr. Lee applying a local anesthetic to the area. For certain patients, it’s recommended that they undergo general anesthesia. After severing the pulp and nerve, a dental drill breaks the tooth apart. The sectioned pieces are carefully removed. Water is consistently cleaning the mouth of debris and fragments. Once completed, the wound is stitched shut.


Anesthetics keep the pain to a minimum during the procedure. You’ll most likely need someone else with you to drive you home afterward. Make sure to read over the post-operative instructions. It’s the best way to avoid tearing your stitches. Discuss any questions you have with your dentist. Over-the-counter pain medication can help manage your pain. If these don’t seem to be working, contact Dr. Lee about a prescription.


Dr. Jia Y. Lee is located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 909-989-5598.


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