CEREC Crowns and Veneers

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. It is a new, quicker version of creating and placing dental crowns and veneers. At our practice in Rancho Cucamonga, CA., Dr. Jia Y. Lee, D.D.S. understands that everyday life is busy. CEREC dental crowns keep you on schedule and out the door quick.


At your appointment with Dr. Lee, the two of you will discuss your eligibility for CEREC. This depends on the amount of healthy tooth structure that you have. The anesthetic will be applied and your tooth will be prepared for restoration. This just entails the removing of decay and weakened tooth tissue.


Next, a three-dimensional image of the tooth is taken. A digital scan is used. The computer converts this image into the model. The milling device takes this and creates your restoration in a few minutes. After we determine if the restoration fits right and feels okay, it will be polished and bonded to your teeth.


There are many advantages to CEREC. Dental restorations only take one appointment, saving you time and money. It is a shorter and less painful procedure as well. The CEREC restorations last longer than others, possibly over ten years. They are also metal free.


Dr. Jia Y. Lee is located in Ranco Cucamonga, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 909-989-5598.



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