
Showing posts from August, 2017

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is the term for harvesting bone material from a healthy location and grafting it to a location that is broken or weakened.  Dr. Jia Y. Lee performs bone grafts on patients in need of dental implants.  Missing a tooth for any amount of time can leave the jaw bone vulnerable and compromise its structure over time.  When a patient needs an implant to replace a tooth, a bone graft can reinforce the jaw bone so it is strong enough to handle the placement of an implant.  In one procedure, bone material is harvested from a healthy location in the patient’s mouth and grafted to the compromised area of the jaw bone.  This strengthens the weakened bone and encourages the growth of new bone material as it heals.  The bone graft will be then monitored over the course of months.  When the jaw bone has strengthened enough to handle the placement of an implant, your dentist can move forward with your plan of care. To learn more about bone grafting and all the services provided at the pr

Night Guards for Bruxism

Dr. Jia Y. Lee sees many patients at his Rancho Cucamonga practice that are experiencing negative effects of bruxism.  Bruxism is the term for any regular grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. Stress can intensify bruxism, but it is usually the result of an incorrect bite or crooked teeth.  Some teeth grinders only do so at night and may not even realize it.  If you ever wake up with a stiff or sore jaw, this could be a sign you are grinding your teeth at night and shouldn’t be ignored.  Patients who continually grind their teeth often end up requiring crowns, bridges, root canals and implants. In severe cases tooth loss can occur, and partial or complete dentures may be needed.  Dr. Lee fits patients with custom night guards to protect their teeth from the negative effects of this habit. When a patient needs a custom night guard, the process begins by taking an impression of the mouth.  This impression is sent to a dental lab where a final custom product is fabricated.  The d