
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Lesson in Halitosis

When bad breath isn’t masked by mints or mouthwash, the odor may become a chronic problem. Unlike morning breath, halitosis, also known as chronic bad breath, may be a sign of a more serious medical condition. If you have an adequate oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing at least twice a day, you may need to visit Dr. Jia Y. Lee, DDS to discuss your treatment options. Halitosis has a range of causes, such as dry mouth, dental problems, or underlying medical issues. Lack of saliva flow due to dry mouth can lead to chronic bad breath, especially if the dry mouth is caused by smoking. Additionally, dental problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease can cause a foul odor in the mouth. Treating the problem will depend on the severity of halitosis, but the condition is treatable and you can have your breath back to fresh in no time. If you have questions or concerns regarding chronic bad breath, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit

Crown Lengthening

At the office of Dr. Jia Y. Lee, we see many patients who think their gums keep them from their perfect smile.  It is normal for some people to have more gum tissue than others, and when it results in a gummy smile we can correct it by a procedure called crown lengthening.   Crown lengthening is the term for removing excess gum tissue from the surface of the teeth and sculpting the gum line.  Dentists often do this in order to expose more of a tooth and affix a restoration like a crown. We also offer crown lengthening for cosmetics so that any patient can have their perfect smile.  Local anesthetic is used while your dentist removes excess gum tissue with either a scalpel or laser tools.  The procedure only comes with minor discomfort afterwards, and result is a pleasing ratio of teeth to gums that creates an even smile.  Contact us if you think your smile would benefit from crown lengthening! To learn more about crown lengthening and all the services we provide, visit www.myranchocuca

Braces Pain

Dr. Jia Y. Lee sees patients at various stages of braces treatment.  Braces are a powerful straightening method that can transform smiles, but braces are a long process and there is some pain and discomfort along the way.  Patients with braces often feel a little discomfort after their wires have been tightened, and patients with new braces usually experience some uncomfortable chafing as their mouth gets used to braces.  These are both normal occurrences and you can ease the pain while getting to your perfect smile!   With a new set of braces, the insides of cheeks and lips will rub against the brackets and wires.  The soft tissue will toughen as your mouth gets accustomed to the braces, but at first it can create sore spots.  Dental wax is a great defense against this.  Just a small piece can cover the edge of a bracket and relieve any chafing.  After a set of braces is tightened a patient will also feel some pain and soreness.  The patient should eat soft foods right after a tighten