
Showing posts from November, 2017

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)

Each of us has a joint that acts like a sliding hinge and connects the jawbone to the skull. This joint is called the temporomandibular and it helps us chew, speak, swallow, and yawn. Each TMJ has a disc between the ball and the socket. Any problem that prevents these muscles from moving can result in a painful TMJ disorder. Fortunately, when this happens, Dr. Jia Y. Lee, DDS can suggest treatment options. Diagnosis is an important part of the treatment process. Dr. Lee may check the jaw for tenderness, clicking, popping, or difficulty moving. A common symptom of TMJ disorder, aside from jaw pain, is a clicking or a popping sound that often occurs as you chew. Eating soft foods may solve the problem, and applying hot or cold packs may reduce pain, but Dr. Lee will most likely suggest a nightguard or a mouthguard for the patient to wear to alleviate pressure on the jaw. If you have questions or concerns regarding TMJ disorder, please give us a call. To learn more about the services prov

Inlay and Onlays

At Dr. Jia Lee’s Rancho Cucamonga practice, patients receive high-quality restorations made in-house with our CEREC milling machine. That’s great news for people needing replacement crowns, who otherwise might have to wait weeks after getting their teeth reshaped for restorative devices to be made and delivered. But what about for people whose teeth are only partially damaged? For them, we make inlays and onlays. Inlays and onlays are partial crowns. They are meant to replace damaged enamel when a filling would be insufficient but a full crown is unnecessary. An inlay is used to replace the indented portion of one of the chewing teeth. It can be thought of like a permanent sealant. Onlays are larger and replace a tooth’s raised, pointy bit, called a cusp. Typically, after the decayed material has been removed, a patient would have to wait about two weeks for a dental restoration to be completed and wear a temporary crown in the meantime. But with our CEREC technology, a scan can be mad

Why DIY Orthodontics is a Bad Idea

One of the most dangerous trends in oral health recently is the popularity of do-it-yourself orthodontics. Promoted as a means of reducing time and cost, these techniques actually imperil the well-being of the person using them. As a dental and orthodontic professional, Dr. Jia Y. Lee wants his patients to understand why amateur short-cuts will cost more in the long run. People who have studied invisible aligners know that they are manufactured a few at a time and are switched out every few weeks. Recently, a story circulated on the internet of somebody who 3D-printed his own aligners so he could move his teeth faster. This is a dangerous error because teeth and jawbones are alive, and moving teeth is essentially pushing one set of living bones through another. The jawbones need time to rebuild after the teeth have migrated, or else the teeth will be left in weak, unstable bone. This often allows them to fall out or return to their previous position. Trying to force aligners to work fa

How to Floss Properly

At the dental office of Dr. Jia Y. Lee, we always want our patients to continue a proper dental hygiene routine at home.  Regular flossing is essential to maintaining oral health and you should floss once a day. Flossing can be done either before or after brushing. Remember these tips to help you floss effectively: ·         A strand of dental floss about 18 inches long allows you to wrap the ends of the floss around a finger on each hand. This should give you great control over the portion of floss you are using. ·         To floss, slide the floss between the teeth and rub the floss back and forth up until you reach your gums. ·         As you move on to the next tooth, adjust the floss to expose an unused portion. Repeat this rubbing motion between each tooth and dispose of the floss once you are finished. ·         Pushing at your gums too hard can damage your gum line and isn’t necessary to floss properly. To learn more about dental health and all the services provided at the prac